Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pay Attention

"And what do we have to say about coincidences?"-Mycroft Holmes
"The universe is rarely so lazy"-Sherlock Holmes

No matter what you do or where you go, the universe always has something to say and it has the most incredible ways of trying to communicate with you, all you have to do is pay attention. At least, try your hardest because whatever it is that you're looking for is probably the last thing that you need and that's where the structure and the patience that is the universe around you comes in. If you listen, if you pay attention, it will give you hints and advice on where to go or whom is going to be in your future. Unfortunately, these messages and paths are easily missed or disregarded until later on in your life when you look back and see how the world around you was looking out for you the entire time, it can be as simple as a look, a missed stair that makes you pause, or a bird being unusually loud on a tree. Anything can be a sign and just because you don't understand what it was at the time, it's good to keep these things in the back of your mind whenever you're making decisions or thinking about your current situation. It's to remember these things because it's a great sense of hope to know that just because your life isn't panning out clearly right now it doesn't mean that it won't, it just means that the pieces in your path haven't come together yet, time is still needed for all of the factors and one day you'll look back and see that it was right in front of you the entire time.

I'm posting about this because, for me, lately, there seems to be an unusual amount of signs everywhere around me and just because I see them doesn't mean that I can even guess what they might mean. Right now the universe is keeping me suspended in questions and a stagnant environment but I personally feel like something is going to change pretty soon and all of these little hints will make sense. Unfortunately, nothing is coming together as of right now and I can only hope for the factors that will create my future and that they will be stimulating and inspiring. I like being positive about things like these but I can't possibly know, I can only try to follow the path that is forming in front of me even if it is incomplete and treacherous, that's just apart of life; trusting the universe to know whats best for you even in the face of uncertainty.

If you want to read any more about things such as the universe and life goals and signs you should read "The Alchemist" It's an absolutely incredible book (Very Short) and it will change how you look at the world around you, I mean, I read that book over two years ago and I still think about it a lot as I live through my days, it's beautiful and though provoking (And very easy to read, by the way), And if you're not in the mood to read, try watching "Cloud Atlas", it, like "The Alchemist" will change your view on things forever however, its a film and it's a billion times more complicated that the book but it's got Tom Hanks and Halle Berry in it so It's got the visually pleasing aspect that a book can't recreate the same way. Either way, they'll change your life and give you something that you can keep with you no matter where you go in life.

Keep and eye out for the signs of the universe and the people that you connect with because, chances are, all of those components will become a very important part of your life and it's just a waste to ignore these little hints.

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